Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Healthcare and disease prevention increases life expectancy

This article about disease and healthcare is what will determine the life expectancy in a country. It talks about all the diseases for example malaria, , mad cow disease, HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and much more.  These diseases derived from a particular country in the world, but can be spread by traveling from one country to the next.  For example malaria and the West Nile Virus originated in Africa, but is now widespread around the world.  Healthcare is the primary reason why many people in other countries outside of the United States suffer and don't live very long.  The article also talks about medicine trade from the United States to countries in need of them.

I agree that healthcare is a big issue in countries outside the United States.  The United States has excellent healthcare and ways to prevent diseases.  If other countries had the same resources it would prevent a lot of diseases from being transmitted to others as well as transporting diseases all over the world.  A lot of countries like Africa, Europe, and Asia lose lives daily due to their living conditions.  The life expectancy in these countries are much lower, but are presently making small progress. I believe that having a better healthcare system will increase the life expectancy in these troubled countries tremendously.   

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