Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Terrorism or Not???

In May 2014 an article written by Glenn Greenwald in The Guardian, touches on terrorism and its true meaning.  A British soldier was killed on the streets of London by two individuals that stabbed the soldier with a meat cleaver.  These two individuals who were said to be Muslims after being taken into custody, had been recorded speaking things from the Quran as they killed this innocent man.  The soldier was targeted because they were aware about his involvement in a nation at war against Muslims.  Civilians, politician, and social media automatically considered this incident an act of terrorism.

I agree that terrorism can be defined as a communicative act that disrupts the flow of every day life and is used to spread fear among the population of non state actors (International Studies, p.370).  Terrorists main goal is to provoke a military or political response as a form of recognition (International Studies, p.370).  The two muslim killers were retaliating on behalf of the Muslim community and definitely trying to send a message to the military and politicians.  The Muslims feel it is unfair that the US or UK can come to their territory and make war.  These wars have left several Muslims dead in their homes, cars, and work.  As soon as individuals like these two killers decide to attack it is immediately called an act of terrorism.

Unfortunately, during these wars innocent bystanders (civilians) are killed but I don't think the US does this intentionally or target a specific ethnic/religious group.  Terrorists, on the other hand, plan these attacks and then act out their thoughts.  Terrorists intentionally prey on civilians, military, and anyone who has political power.  Thus, making the above mentioned incident in London an act of terrorism.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Chile and Ecuador are both Spanish speaking states located on the Southern Cone in Latin America.  Both Chile and Ecuador are known to most as being poverty stricken states.  In the article about these two states it discusses the economy of both states and the reason why Chile is in a better financial state than Ecuador.

Ecuador receives a large percent of export earnings from oil and Chile receives a rather small percent of export earnings from copper, but yet Chile has made better progress in lowering the poverty level among their citizens.  Most of this can be contributed to the free-market global trading order.  Ecuador decided not to join the free market, thus causing their poverty rate to increase in number.  Since, Chile has decided to join the free market which would allow Chile access to other markets around the world, it has increased its GDP.

On the other hand, Ecuador should follow in the footsteps of the Chilean industry in order to decrease poverty among its population and to bring in more income to assist with construction, technological investments, and infrastructural enhancements.  By going that route it would make their resource of oil bring in more revenue.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Healthcare and disease prevention increases life expectancy

This article about disease and healthcare is what will determine the life expectancy in a country. It talks about all the diseases for example malaria, , mad cow disease, HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and much more.  These diseases derived from a particular country in the world, but can be spread by traveling from one country to the next.  For example malaria and the West Nile Virus originated in Africa, but is now widespread around the world.  Healthcare is the primary reason why many people in other countries outside of the United States suffer and don't live very long.  The article also talks about medicine trade from the United States to countries in need of them.

I agree that healthcare is a big issue in countries outside the United States.  The United States has excellent healthcare and ways to prevent diseases.  If other countries had the same resources it would prevent a lot of diseases from being transmitted to others as well as transporting diseases all over the world.  A lot of countries like Africa, Europe, and Asia lose lives daily due to their living conditions.  The life expectancy in these countries are much lower, but are presently making small progress. I believe that having a better healthcare system will increase the life expectancy in these troubled countries tremendously.   

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Prison Life in Africa and Lack of Economic Growth

I have better insight as to what goes on in the prison system in South Africa after reading an article from "The Economist".  The jails that are ran by the state are in terrible condition.  The inmates have to endure overcrowding, poor conditions throughout the buildings, and rape.  Since most of the African population is HIV positive, rape will most likely lead to the spread of more infection.

On the other hand, the private prisons have much better conditions according to this article  The inmates do not have to deal with overcrowding and because the facility is fairly new, the buildings are in great condition.  Inmates are able to participate in workshops, sports, and gardening.  They have access to brand new equipment for sports.  The newer prison also has state of the art security for the inmates.  Unlike the state prisons, this new facility offers better food and inmates receive better medical care.  Millions of dollars have been spent to open these private prisons, but economic growth suffers outside of these prison doors.

This concept to make inmates more comfortable and spending millions of dollars in order to do so is baffling to me.  I do get the point that no one should have to deal with overcrowding while locked up, but to do things for one prison and not the other is unbelievable.  I believe that no matter what everyone should have equal rights to health care and nutrition, if nothing else.  Inmates in state prisons are suffering and so are the people who are not in the prison system.  There are families who suffer from malnutrition/famine, HIV, malaria, and infant mortality.  These individuals do not have the resources for food, clean water, or medical attention due to "hampered economic growth",(International Studies, p.259).  Due to war, colonialism, and imperialism, Africa has suffered tremendously from political and economic instability.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Liberal order in Europe...endangered or not???

In the article written by Timothy Garton Ash it discusses Europe's Endangered Liberal Order and how pushing for unification will result in less growth economically for Europe. Europe is very focused on becoming a unit by merging different countries together to become one.  The article speaks on the fact that Western Europe suffered economic hardship due to the wars that took place, which decreased their power in the world.  It explains how United States pushed for Western European integration.  The author debates that Europeans should spread across liberal order across the continent, since it is already in place.

I believe that Europe has come a long way from being broken down from violence and the loss of stability.  Since those times before the Cold War, Europe has emerged as a peaceful and prosperous region.  With help from the United States who financed an aid program called the Marshall Plan, which allowed Western Europe fast economic recovery.  The EU (European Union) which is the largest free-trade area in the world,  has also been a huge supporter European integration.  The EU's belief in fusing together the economy of Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, West Germany, and Italy together would prevent wars from happening and increase peace across the region.

Therefore, unification will lead to liberal order thus allowing capital to flow, increased trade, and lowering of tariffs on imports and exports.  Liberal order will then have the ability to give Europe a sense of peace and security.
