Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Does Economic Growth in China Equal Downfall for the US????

Most people believe that China has become more powerful and influential in recent years due to their economic status in the world.  China has been a significant resource to the United States for importing and exporting goods, and because of this China has become a powerhouse that can't be reckoned with.  Not only is China rising economically, which is due to the size of its population, but it is coming up the ranks in military as well.  If China continues on this path the United States will have to seriously think of ways to keep China at bay.

A good tactic in making sure China does not overtake the United States in the future is to work together rather than against each other.  Together, the United States and China make a very good team.  But, if the US continues to dictate and put more rules and regulations in place, it may contribute to the downfall of the United States in the near future.

China wants to grow financially and become just as powerful as the US and would prefer to have all the protection and support that the West has in order to survive.  I think that working together to achieve their goals would be a better approach for both China and the US to reach economic stability.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

One Child Policy...Good and Bad

In this article is describes the negative and positive outcome of the one child policy in China.  The Chinese government believed that preventing families from having more than one child would create economic growth by decreasing its population size.  By placing this policy in effect the government was able to do just that, prevent population growth.

I agree and disagree with the one child policy.  I agree with this policy because your success rate will increase with the fact that you are solely responsible for the care and well-being of one child.  It can be quite difficult to make sure that the wants and needs are met for more than one child and yourself. Chinese workers are underpaid in the jobs they have, therefore they are not able to afford to live as good as individuals in other  countries, especially the United States.  I believe that Chinese parents would want their children to be much better off and successful. In order to make this a reachable goal
Chinese parents would be willing to work as laborers receiving crappy wages so that they can send their kids to good schools.  Imagine having more than one child....This would be an unrealistic and unreachable goal for many Chinese families.

I disagree with this policy because there are so many unpredicted things that could present itself, such as tragedy.  Chinese encountered a natural disaster recently that took the lives of many people including innocent children.  Since there is a one child policy in place, what happens to those families who have lost a child due to this unpredicted natural disaster?  These men and women may not be healthy or young enough to reproduce another life if given the okay to do so by the government.  There will be a void that can't be replaced and these families are just left to grieve the lost of a love one.

Therefore, the one child policy can be beneficial to both the families and the government in China.  The government will benefit by growing economically and preventing China from becoming overpopulated.  The families benefit from the fact they brought a life into the world that can change some or most of the hardships they had to face in the past.  These changes will come from better education which will provide these young people with better jobs to help take care of their families.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Urbanization....Does this work???

Urbanization is the migration of a large number of people from rural areas to urban areas. In the article about Chinese Urbanization, it discusses how China pushes to end poverty through urbanization.  Many people in China have migrated to urban areas to create a better lifestyle for theirselves and their families.  Chinese governments are investing in better infrastructures and residential housing which provides more job opportunities for those people such as farmers who migrate from rural areas to urban areas.

It is a great idea for those seeking better jobs, in order to become better off.  Some of the main attractions of urbanization include better infrastructures such as utilities, buildings, and roads.  Urbanization also allows people from rural areas the benefits of better health care and facilities, education, and entertainment for the whole family.

Some downfalls of urbanization can be overpopulation, pollution, increase in unemployment, and lack of resources.  I believe that some of these downfalls can be prevented by building up the rural areas as well.  This can be done by creating more jobs in agriculture, providing recreation/entertainment, and providing more health care and education benefits for individuals in these areas.  Creating better infrastructures will also be beneficial to people in rural areas.